Choose the Right Support

  • Informal Support can come from many places including family, friends, or online platforms. Others types of informal support come from reading books, articles or listening to podcasts.

  • Assisted Support can be found in online support groups that are led by a professional or through participation with community based organizations. Warmlines are also a good form of assisted support where someone who is trained can listen to your concerns with out judgment and help direct you toward other supports in your area.

  • Formal support takes the form of group therapy, individual therapy and medication management.

    Group therapy generally involves an enrollment process and expectation to attend a certain number of group sessions.

    Individual Therapy is the first line of treatment for mild to moderate symptoms of depression and anxiety. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Interpersonal Therapy are evidence-based treatments for maternal mental health conditions.

    If you have used medication in the past, in most cases, you can continue to use your medication during your pregnancy. It is important to never stop medication prior to evaluation from your psychiatrist or obstetrician.  

    If you are on medication, it is recommended that you engage in individual therapy as well.


 Self-Care is Prevention

It is a common misconception that self-care is a selfish act. Nothing could be further from the truth. When you prioritize your own care you are giving yourself the tools you need to decrease stress, anxiety and depression. This makes you more available to your family, friends, and other responsibilities. Self-care means focusing on quality not quantity.