Self Care Essentials

“You can’t fill from an empty cup.”

Eat Healthy.

Good nutrition is a vital part of pregnancy and postpartum. Healthy foods give you more energy, sustain you longer, and are delicious!

It is easy when you are a new parent to forget to eat. You are under a lot of stress in the beginning. Here are some tips:

  • Plan ahead by making some freezer meals that you can easily warm up.

  • Always have easy grab and go items like fruit, nuts, and cheese handy.

    • Keep a basket next to your bed or wherever you feed your baby. These are the times you will think about eating.

  • Boil a dozen eggs at a time and peel them. They are grab and go the rest of the week!

  • Have water at the ready. You still need to drink 8 glasses of water each and every day.

Get Moving.

Exercise is important to help prevent a many health conditions. It also provides your body with endorphins that help you feel good!

No one is saying you need to run a marathon or go to the gym - unless that is something you want to do.

Here are some simple ways you can get moving:

  • Go for a walk around the block (with our without baby)

  • Do some stretches when you get up in the morning or before you go to bed.

  • There are FREE videos you can watch on YouTube on postpartum yoga.

  • Add some spice to daily activities. Do a squat to get that diaper or pacifier off the floor. Lunge to get that snack out of the fridge. After every feeding, do 5 deep belly breaths. Check out this article to get more ideas.

Prioritize Sleep.

In the beginning, you will never get “enough” sleep. But getting as much as you can will improve how you feel.

The human body needs a minimum of 6 hours of consecutive sleep per night to minimally function. Let that sink in for a second.

It is laughable to expect any new parent to minimally function during the first few months after birth.

Let go of any expectations you or your support system has that you can function as you did prior to giving birth. A new baby is a whole new level of exhaustion.

If you have little ones at home here are a few tips:

  • Plan ahead of time for them to have activities with other family members. A trip to grandma’s or auntie’s house will free up time you need to rest.

    • Pro tip: Baby showers are a great place to start asking for this kind of help.

  • Invest in a babysitter or daycare. If you don’t have family, find someone you can trust to watch the other kids for a few hours so you can get some rest.

  • Don’t feel bad about using the TV. Everyone is in survival mode, if they can be occupied safely with a movie for a few hours — Perfect!

  • For older kids, arrange a carpool to help with drop-off and pick-ups.

  • If you have a partner that is working, schedule a mom nap. That way they know they are on duty — It should be like you aren’t even there….

Make time for YOU.

Just because you are mom doesn’t mean YOU disappeared.

All parents need a break. EVERYDAY. Yep. You heard me right. You are not selfish for needing some alone time or time with people outside the home. Taking time for you is a healthy behavior that helps restore energy. In turn this will make you more focused and effective as a parent. If you have so many things to do you can’t take 20 minutes to yourself over the course of a day — look at what you can let go.

In addition to that 20 minutes a day, sometime you need more time. Make it a monthly habit to get out of the house to get together with a friend or your partner, attend an activity you enjoy, or just walk around Target “shopping”.

Putting YOU back on the priority list will not only help you feel better it will have long term positive effects on your mental health.

Ask for Help.

You are not weak to need help from time to time. Postpartum is a time all women need help. Click the link below to learn about the types of help you need to be asking for.

Get outside.

Getting out of your house has many benefits. See below for details.

Here are some benefits of getting outside:

  • Vitamin D: The sun kissing your skin helps with production of Vitamin D which is great for your heart and lungs.

  • Aids in Recovery: Studies have shown that people who spend some time outside each day recover faster from surgery.

  • Clear Brain Fog: You don’t even have to be doing anything. Just sit outside and breathe.

  • Reduce Stress: Going outside for a few minutes with a short walk each day has been linked to stress reduction. Stress reduction is also linked to reduced inflammation.

  • Increase Immunity: Chemicals in plants called phytoncides increase white blood cell production. White blood cells are necessary for fighting off illness and infections.

  • Improve mental health: Research shows spending time in nature can help you cope with depression and anxiety.


Self Care in 5 Minutes!